Being responsible
For us, a long term sustainability plan is a vitally important part of being hosts. We strive to make sure that the environmental footprints we leave are mitigated as fast as we make them. Our guests, from all over Europe, come to experience the sea, the coastal meadows, the forest, and it’s important that all those are around for others to experience long after us. Environmental awareness is a constant part of our day-to-day operations, we work continually to minimise negative environmental effects. Respect for the environment is reflected in the choices we make when we select suppliers, materials and goods for our idyll by the sea.

What do we do?
All vehicles are electric or run on green diesel.
Machinery is run electrically or in some cases on ABSEN-green fuel
We only buy green electricity
All cleaning materials are eco-labelled
Warm water for the facilities block is heated electrically and an air source heat pump reclaims exhaust air from the ventilation system.
All compressors contain approved refrigerant
When bulbs need changing they are replaced with LED lighting

What can you do?
Sort food waste into our brown compost bags and put them in the brown bin. It will be made into biogas.
Sort plastic, newspapers, cardboard, milk cartons, metal, coloured and clear glass in the respective bins. These will be collected for recycling.
Use tap water sparingly
Return your bottles and cans. By the bin area and by the sea you’ll see “PantaMera” containers for PET and aluminium cans (bought in Sweden or abroad). The proceeds go in full to Åsa Junior Ladies Sports Club and Partille Junior Ladies Floorball. Thank you for supporting them alongside us.
Upgrade your white goods to energy efficient alternatives.
Don’t throw rubbish in the countryside. Use the bin for combustible material.

Public Access
Perhaps one of the best things we have in Sweden. The Right of Public Access gives us unique access to the countryside. Still, it sometimes feels like we take it for granted, forget that we don’t just have rights, we also have obligations. To take care of the environments we move in. To show consideration. Read more about what it means if you’re unsure.