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What actually is the difference between an activity and an outing? Must an activity also entail some way of getting your pulse racing or does lying-on-the-beach-and-not-doing-a-thing also count? Of course it does! At least here. It also means that all the activities you can do scarcely fit on this page – you’ll need to go to  Outings and Seaside as well. Do it after you’ve immersed yourself in Shark Club, SUP and cycling trails. And if you want to see even more tips, our favourite places and things we get up to, follow us on social media. 

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SUP, Stand Up Paddleboarding, has probably become so incredibly popular because everyone can do it. Whatever your age, stamina or experience you can enjoy the sea on a ‘board’. No great preparation or experience is needed. Or if you want, you can test the waves on a windy day. You can hire SUPs here and naturally we’ll give you a thorough introduction in how to handle the board and paddle. Vita Sand is the perfect beach for your first stroke. Why not take the whole family on an SUP experience at sunrise!


The sharks - Sweden’s most important and coolest club, the Shark Club. For everyone aged 6 to 12. In it there are only nice shark guys and shark girls. But don’t say a word to the sea cows….you know, the adults. That’s because they think we can be a bit of a pain if we don’t get our own way. And we like to let them think that. We do loads of fun stuff together like build sandcastles, paint and draw and have crab races. Sometimes there are exciting performances as well – just for us. And that’s lucky for them! Otherwise we probably would have started to bite a little. One day for example there was a juggling class. And after a bit of practice we were of course best at juggling as well!


Sometimes we just chill a bit and watch cool films. And yes, it’s ok to watch films even if the weather is nice. We just decided that, so there you are! The sharks have activities most days during high season, weeks 28-31, and on some other weekends. The rest of the time we make plans and sharpen our teeth of course! If you want to join in check the calendar. And if you think it’s a bit scary to come on your own, you can bring a sea cow. But remember to keep an eye on them! You know what they’re like, as soon as you turn your back fin they’re up to something! See you

Åsa by


You probably already know that the Kattegattleden trail goes right through Åsa. But why just ride through when there are so many lovely cycling routes around and about. Winding roads take you through beautiful countryside, along the coastline and an interior landscape that’s quite fantastic – and also a bit ‘forgotten about’ sometimes. Bring your own bike or hire one from us and explore Åsa’s surroundings. There’s lots to see, you won’t regret it. We’ve put details of three exciting cycle tours below that we happily get on the saddle ourselves for.


9,7 km



A cycle tour that’s perfect when you don’t have a whole day at your disposal. Take a picnic basket and swimming things.


European Cycle Trail of the Year 2018 and Sweden’s first national cycle trail. Rightfully known far outside Sweden’s borders. 390 km long but you don’t have to cycle the whole route which stretches along the coast between Helsingborg and Gothenburg.


27,8 km


Lunch in Storstugan or fika at Kafé Manegen. Buy freshly picked veg on the way, from Mariebergs Gårdsbutik.



17,3 km



A magical whole day tour! First to naturum Fjärås Bräcka Visitor Centre then home via the village of Äskhult. Several kilometres long but worth every turn of the pedal.

Walking trails and paths

Halland isn’t just salty swims and lovely sandy beaches. The landscapes in the transition zone between the coast and the forest are fantastic, varying between cultivated land, copses of trees, hills and small lakes. There are even some steep cliffs for anyone not afraid of heights. A 1.5 km long nature trail starts at Naturum Fjärås Bräcka Visitor Centre with stops along the way where you can learn about the fascinating history and flora of this moraine ridge laid down in the last Ice Age. Lovely scenery and walks can also be found around the village of Äskhults. There are several round walks of varying lengths around  Stättereds 4H Gård and lots more in and around the Åkulla beech forest. And a tour round Hyltenäs hill or the 18 km long Viskastigen never disappoints.



Beach Workout

Exercising on vacation? Isn't that by definition contradictory? Not at all, vacation might be the best time for working out! It becomes so much more enjoyable when you don't have to feel any stress or pressure.

By the summer of 2024, was a brand new outdoor gym will be ready. Fourteen different pieces of exercise equipment. Complement that with interval running up and down the sand dunes, and finish off with a dip in the sea? It doesn't get better than that!


Beach Workout

Semestern är till för återhämtning för både kropp och själ. Har man inte provat på yoga innan så är semestern ett perfekt tillfälle. Therese Lind driver sin egen yogastudie i Åsa och varje sommar flyttar hon ut sin verksamhet till Åsa Havsbad till vår stora glädje.  Varje lördag i juli  kommer hon att ha yogapass kl. 9.00 – 10.00. Det är drop-in och kostar 150 kr men för våra gäster är det kostnadsfritt, hämta kupong i receptionen innan passet. Yogamatta finns att låna. För mer information kom in till oss i receptionen. 

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When you're tired of just lying on the beach, challenge your family or group of friends to a beach volleyball match! Beach volleyball is for all ages and a wonderful way to just hang out on the beach.

At Vita Sand, we have a beach volleyball net for everyone to use, you don't need to book a time! And you can borrow a ball from us at the reception.


Bouncy Castles

Jumping on a bouncy castle is surely super fun! It tickles your stomach when you almost fly through the air. Bring your brother, sister, cousin, or plush companion on a play, bounce, and jumping adventure. And who knows, in the middle of a jump, you might discover a new best friend!

Every day from midsummer, we set up our bouncy castles. One for the smaller children and one for the slightly older ones. If it rains or is windy, they get to rest and wait for better weather.

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